Wednesday, 18 November 2009

End of Season Steam Run

Once the steam rally season is finished the steam boys have what they call an end of season steam run, or pub crawl i heard someone say by mistake. The steam engines leave SE Davis's Yard where they are kept and make their way to the "Y - Not" for Breakfast with their living vans on tow, then onto the "Green Dragon Pub" at Sambourne, then onto the "Jubilee" where more ale is consumed. It didnt stop there either they then carried on to the "Moat House Inn" at Coughton (incidentally where we stop for half way refreshments on the new years day tractor run). Left Picture: 'Big Dazza' topping his roller up with water. The steamers stopped overnight at the Moat House and then made their way back to SE Davis's yard on the Sunday morning. Around seven steam engines took part on the road run and i was lucky enough to get a seat in the trailer towed by engine "Lucy". A good time was had by all and the weather was quite good to us. Enjoy the photos..., remember to click on them to enlarge them.

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